Why "Sit Still Sam?"

"Sit still, Sam - we're goin' around the corner," is something my dad used to jokingly say in the car, sort of like saying, "Hold on tight!" I think his dad used to say it. It makes zero sense to anyone outside our family! However, it means something to me, and this blog is my crazy attempt to document my journey to health and lots of other great things! In other words, I'm trying to turn a corner. Well, I'm always turning corners. We all are, whether we realize it or not. You're also likely to find me sharing whatever happens to amuse me or pass through my brain on any given day. You may find a poll, a recipe, a random photo, thyroid and diet information, photos from my latest vacation... it's a little like playing Roulette. If you find something helpful, amusing, touching, or interesting, please leave me a comment to let me know you stopped by! :)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

One Last Hurrah!

Sea Kaying at Santa Catalina
Vacation was great, and I managed to eat somewhat healthy on the cruise, while enjoying one last fling with bread, chocolate cake, and many other things on my taboo list. The funny thing is - two of the ladies in our group on the trip were Celiac and could not have any gluten whatsoever. I almost felt guilty!  "No, I'm not supposed to be eating gluten either, but I'm going to anyway...right in front of you!" Muhahahahaha!  I'm actually very lucky, in some respects, since eating gluten doesn't make me sick like it would have either of my new friends.  Presumably, it's an issue more related to my Thyroid, and continuing to eat it would likely cause my Hashimoto's Disease to progress, speeding up the attach on my Thyroid gland.  In fact, it wouldn't have been all that hard to eat gluten-free on the cruise.  Both GF friends actually had a special waitress that took their dinner orders one day ahead, and the kitchen would make anything on the menu gluten-free! Go Carnival!  So yeah, I still ate whatever I wanted.

So at this point, I'm hopefully two days away from cleaning up my diet to eliminate the foods I reacted to in my ALCAT blood test.  In the meantime, I plan to eat "normally" for the next two days. Which includes a doughnut (special trip to a local doughnut mecca), beer, french toast, and Thai food (which I had tonight).  However, I walked to the local Trader Joe's this afternoon to stock up my hotel room fridge with fruit, salad, coconut milk, and a few other "acceptable" foods to get me through the week, once I begin on Tuesday.  The big challenge is finding gluten-free items that don't contain rice flour, almonds, or dairy.  I see many salads in my future.

So goodbye, cheese, rice, flour, chicken, etc. I's been nice knowing you.  We'll meet again soon.  You may not recognize me, though, because I plan on being thinner and having more energy.  And if my husband sticks to his plan to cut out much of what I have to avoid, you may not recognize him either.  I'm kind of looking forward to that moment.  Maybe I will finally be able to justify storing those totes of skinny clothes in the garage!  On that note, it's time for bed. I think I'll dream of flat abs, running another half marathon, and size 6 pants.

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