Why "Sit Still Sam?"

"Sit still, Sam - we're goin' around the corner," is something my dad used to jokingly say in the car, sort of like saying, "Hold on tight!" I think his dad used to say it. It makes zero sense to anyone outside our family! However, it means something to me, and this blog is my crazy attempt to document my journey to health and lots of other great things! In other words, I'm trying to turn a corner. Well, I'm always turning corners. We all are, whether we realize it or not. You're also likely to find me sharing whatever happens to amuse me or pass through my brain on any given day. You may find a poll, a recipe, a random photo, thyroid and diet information, photos from my latest vacation... it's a little like playing Roulette. If you find something helpful, amusing, touching, or interesting, please leave me a comment to let me know you stopped by! :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

So who's Sam and what's this about corners?

I grew up a Texas meat-eating, BBQ-loving, Coke-drinking girl. And I like dark beer.  I’ve tasted the gluten-free stuff and it’s…ok.  So what could convince me to change my diet to gluten-free, dairy-free, rice-free, almost-meat-free, and much more? (much less?  Oh whatever...)  It's not a trend/fad/bandwagon thing.  I love my wings and beer.  Desperate times call for desperate measures.  So who is Sam???

Are you ready for it?  I have no idea whatsoever who Sam is.  "Sit still, Sam. We're going around the corner," is something my Dad used to say on road trips, and now it's a family joke.  Personally, I love it and thought it was an appropriate name because... well, call me weird. My brother and his family have an awesome dog named Sammy, but I digress.  The name of my blog refers to the fact that I've got a challenging road ahead of me.  But, challenges force us to turn corners and grow, and that's my goal.  Don't get me wrong - I love my life.  But it took several health issues and scares to start waking me up. What I've been doing might be getting me by, but I realized it's not working out so well long-term. It's time for some changes. And fortunately, my husband is right there with me on the same page. 

Kennedy Center, Washington, D.C. - November, 2010
This is me and my husband, Rich, a few years ago in Washington D.C.  Not too shabby! A little overweight, but fairly young, healthy-ish looking, and happy. In reality, we were both struggling with our weight and energy levels, not feeling so great, never quite reaching certain goals, and clueless that things were about to start getting worse - especially our health.

Rich has Graves Disease, the most common form of hyperthyroid disease, but he's been in remission for 10+ years. He's taken radioactive iodine to kill the thyroid and even had surgery where the eyeballs are "temporarily relocated"  to remove orbital bone, alleviating pressure behind the eyes. No, I'm not kidding. 

I've fought allergies all my life and have been pricked and poked so many times, I think I might be a human voodoo doll. A few years ago, we found out Rich is just as allergic as I am to about as many things, plus pistachios. That was a fun New Year's Eve when we discovered that little gem! He also suffers from migraines, dermatitis, and occasional ADD-type focus issues, and we both struggle with lack of energy, weight-gain, thyroid issues, and the allergies I already mentioned.

After random eyelid swelling and multiple tests, I was diagnosed in early 2013 with Hashimoto's Disease, the most common hypothyroid autoimmune disease. Basically, my body has decided my thyroid gland is not my friend and is on a slow and steady mission to kill it.  (You can read my story here.)  Additionally, I was just recently diagnosed as having “a severe reaction to gluten/gliadin” and cow’s milk/casein, as well as chickpeas.  I’m also moderately sensitive to rice, almonds, and a whole host of other things.  I’m not surprised by the gluten-intolerance diagnosis, based on recent articles about the potential gluten-thyroid connection, (even my doc is on board with that theory), but I’ll post more on that later.  So the prescription is to eliminate these foods for 3-6 months and then slowly add items back in to see what I can tolerate after my body heals. That's right. I have to live without cheese, pho, decent beer, my favorite pizza, wings...(sniff).

It’s not easy to find dairy-free, gluten-free, rice-free, almond-free recipes out there!  Gluten-free flour mixes alone often contain rice flour and/or almond flour, not to mention all the rice-based substitutes for pasta, pizza crust, and everything else!  So I'm now discovering quinoa pasta and how to make other replacement foods, which leads me to the reason for this blog!  I'm psyching myself up to drastically change my diet as I start phase 1 of the elimination diet.  I’m also not supposed to drink alcohol while letting my system heal.  Therefore, I’m on a mission to find more recipes that don’t taste like cardboard or veggie-flavored dust.  I also plan to track my progress, vent my frustrations, celebrate my successes, and share recipes and resources with others in the same boat.  I’ll also try to spread the word out about the evolving treatment of Thyroid diseases, as they have gone long neglected and under diagnosed, and many doctors still don’t ask for the right (complete) tests!  I, personally, wouldn’t be on medication and getting answers if I hadn’t been persistent and found a great, open-minded doctor who has experience with the “new” treatments.

We leave on a cruise one week from tomorrow, so I'm waiting to jump off the high dive until we get back. You can't seriously expect me to give up wine and chocolate-molten-lava-oh-my-God-cake on a floating buffet! So I have two more weeks of eating things I may never eat again - at least not without paying for it in some way. Because I can tell you right now this girl WILL taste Guinness, hummus, Godiva green tea ice cream, mango sticky-rice, and buffalo wings again in this lifetime!

I'm excited to see how I progress, as I hope to lose 20 pounds, as well as reduce (and hopefully reverse) my health issues! So, I'll post about our diet/health changes, but I also plan to get into a few other topics, as well. And frankly, I may bounce all over the place, as this is just an outlet for me to share whatever the hell is going on and whatever I feel like venting about or celebrating. As I mentioned, hopefully it will help me, and maybe it will help someone else. The universe is a pretty surprising place.

In the meantime, if you're looking for gluten-free, dairy-free, rice-free (and more!) recipes, check out my Pinterest boards for my growing collection of info and recipes.  If you find others, find better substitutes, or try recipes and have feedback, please leave your comments!